Nominate a book for the It List
Do you know of a book that should be considered for the next It List?
Add it to our list on Good Reads!
You will need to create an account on Good Reads, then access our list through the link below and vote for your nominees.
Or you can search in Listopia on GoodReads for "Tome Society It List 15-16 Possibilities" to find the list.
Add it to our list on Good Reads!
You will need to create an account on Good Reads, then access our list through the link below and vote for your nominees.
Or you can search in Listopia on GoodReads for "Tome Society It List 15-16 Possibilities" to find the list.
Things to consider before nominating a title for the 15-16 list:
- Must be published 2013 or later
- Must be Young Adult or Young Adult interest
- Must be considered a CLEAN read: minimal cussing, minimal sexuality, no teens casually participating in illegal or destructive activities
- Encourages teens to rise above hardships and make a difference in the world
See the full It List guidelines here.